
Company updates, music industry news, and more!

πŸ†• This Week in IC – w/c June 24th

ft. an option for unmapped values for retailers in importer settings and a new importer for Forward Distribution

πŸ†• This Week in IC – w/c June 17th

ft. everything you need to know about PPD royalties and calculating them quickly and easily in IC

πŸ†• This Week in IC – w/c June 10th

ft. the transactions page – how to use it and what it all means!

πŸ†• This Week in IC – w/c June 3rd

ft. our aliasing tool, a new Exploration importer, an update to our Ochre importer and a tweak to our doc about Ingrooves data imports

πŸ†• This Week in IC – w/c May 27th

ft. enhanced item pagination in Catalog Manager, an inherited from release badge and new importers for Evil Greed and Devil Dog Distro.

πŸ†• This Week in IC – w/c May 20th

ft. IC’s customer-only API, Cash-vs-Accrual accounting in IC, our State51 importer guide, and how to find importer guides from within IC.

πŸ†• This Week in IC – w/c May 13th

ft. a new YouTube Extended reporting importer, an update to the SoundOn importer, and bug fixes to aliasing and PDD rate inputting

πŸ†• This Week in IC – w/c May 6th

ft. updates to the Shopify importer, a new importer for Lickd, new docs about splits and importing data from Vimeo and a bug fix in Catalog Manager

πŸ†• This Week in IC -w/c April 29th

ft. updates to the Zebralution and YouTube publishing importers and their docs and our simplified guide to how contracts work in IC

πŸ†• This Week in IC -w/c April 22nd

ft. a new MVD importer, an update to the SR1 importer, mechanicals in the Period Wizard πŸ§™